Alpha Centauri Institute Wiki

Favorite regulation, and why I like it: Section 3, Regulation A. I like it because I hate it when people cheat in games, it just ruins the experience for everyone.

Character name/handle: Tony Farrino@majortrekky

Country: U.S.A.

Time Zone: Eastern U.S.A./Canada

Time spent playing per week: Once a day, sometimes for hours.

Typical Playing times: You can get me from 12:00-Midnight at most.(may be offline for short times in between. 

Real Age:19

Primary Language: English                

Other Languages: None

MMO Experience: DC Universe, LOTOR.

STO Forum name:Not Active on forums

Personality Traits I believe to be my strengths: Smart, Good eye for things, creative.        Personality Traits I belive to be my weaknesses: I am usually very quiet and will only speak when spoken to, or if I have a problem, I don't act without consent of my betters.

How did you hear about us: Just casually looking for RP fleets.

Skills that can help us: I am willing to help any member, I have a great knowledge of Star Trek (not the next generation though, never really could get into it.), and am really good at RP.

Additional notes: Please let me know if I missed anything, and let me know if there is something that just doesn't sound quite right to you, I accept criticism fully.

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